Rubinus 2.0 has eyes on Ruby 2.1
Although Ruby 2.1 hasn’t been released yet, the just release Rubinus Ruby runtime’s version 2.0 is aiming towards being Ruby 2.1 compatible. Rubinus, for those who don’t know of it, is an implementation of Ruby which uses an LLVM JIT compiler, generational garbage collector and native threads to give a Ruby runtime that can run efficiently on all CPU cores of a modern platform. The developers are also maintainers of RubySpec, a 20,000 plus strong library of specifications which map MRI (Matz’s Ruby Implementation), created to assist maintain compatibility with the ‘reference’ Ruby implementation; RubySpec is now used by many other Ruby implementations to ensure compatibility.
Posted by Codepope on Monday, October 7, 2013
Last Modified on Monday, December 16, 2024