Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.

Tor to be integrated with Firefox?

Discussions appear to have begun on a plan to integrate the Tor anonymous browsing network software with Mozilla’s Firefox. In the wake of the use of a Firefox vulnerability to expose users of Freedom Hosting’s “hidden services” site, Mozilla’s CTO tweeted “Maybe we should just adopt, support, and bundle Tor in Firefox… “. A positive response for the proposal from Jacob Applebaum led to Eich saying he is getting “key Mozillans on board” with the idea.

Welcome to Codescaling

Hello, and welcome to Codescaling. These are very early days for the big idea, but what we hope to create is a site of interest to coders at all scales, from the smallest embedded systems, the handiest of mobile devices, the still default desktops, the essential servers and the accumulating clouds. Why such a wide coverage? Well, consider how computing has covered all these different scales of system, yet they are often treated as silos of knowledge but at the same time are becoming increasingly interdependent - The mobile phone that relies on servers and clouds, the clouds that use arrays of embedded sensors to build big data, the desktops where the code typically crafted for these applications.

About Codescaling

Hello, and welcome to Codescaling. This started off as a big plan, then things changes and now, it’s going to be me, Dj Walker-Morgan, aka Codepope (it’s like my version of “Starlord”) writing about the things I’m doing, including the interesting bits of work and the fun bits of domestic creation I engage in. There’ll be a bit of HackWimbledon in here, a pop up hackspace I run. There’ll be code, planning and probably some nonsense.