Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.

August and that took longer than I expected

“Oh” I thought to myself, I should bring in all the old Codescaling posts to this one blog now, removing the Wordpress from my world. And so the task began. First came parsing and reassembling the Wordpress archives into directories and files I could use to populate things with. And that lead to me realising all the links and folder structure currently here was, to put it mildly, pants. So I set about normalising it to page bundles (a Hugo thing) and…

July Update - I have a vision

Well, I got older and got a Vision, but thats about helping me focus. And I finally got to press the button on a long planned project which will have a direct impact on my making…

Shelf Life - Stowing the servers

In the style of Blur, ‘Shelf Life!’. Under the desk lives the servers and a zillion dust bunnies and long forgotten cables… but what was I going to do about them. Join me as I tidy up and find a great way to store gear….

All about the pacing

A quick catchup on what’s been happening in development hell into May

In before the deadline

A quick catchup on what’s been happening in development hell in February and March

No Post January - Clickers and Doorbells

In which the codepope realises there is no such thing as no-post-january

Reset for 2024

In which the codepope considers what has been slowing down his creative/breaking urges and resolves to do 2024 differently

Ughbuntu - how did we get here?

In which I become irritated at the practical state of desktop Ubuntu…

Retooling the desktop

So the latest distraction I have indulged in, much to my chagrin as I’d actually like to achieve something is redoing my day to day desktop toolchain.

Isolating the home devices

A dive into the idea of personal infrastructure and workflows and laptops.