Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.


So, I’ve not been around on the blog, but things carry on…. Current project - Tetvaders PoC; Tetris and Space Invaders in one particle powered fun show - eventually want to put it onto LED panels Current irritation - The Beaglebone AI - lovely board but docs are sorely lacking and what docs there are tell you you need a heatsink or a fan. SBC design fail de jour, there’s too many new SBCs which need a fan.

Getting mobile

Well I was hoping to go mobile with Ghost so I could blog anywhere but I hit a snag. Simply put, there is no mobile blogging app I can find for iOS so far. So plan B is blogging with the Android app for Ghost. No excuse now. So now I had better get writing about my rain rainbow device, my PiDP11/70 build and this BLE plant monitor… Oh and the new SQFMI Badgy which is up on the article pic.

Codepope's Development Hell and the rattling of tin cans and string

Yes, I know, string doesn’t rattle but if you attach enough tin cans to it, it does. That’s a bit like programming. Anyway, welcome to Codepope’s Development Hell. This is my new, personal site, replacing, and looking to be more about the stuff I do. Part of this is also to get me to look after my own IT again. So this is a self-hosted Ghost site up in the cloud on someone else’s computers1.