OpenSUSE 13.1, Gitorious 3.0 and a Raspberry Pi UPS – Snippets
OpenSUSE 13.1 lands: The openSUSE folks have been busy and the result of their work is now available in the form of openSUSE 13.1. We shall have to see how the stabilisation work, including getting btrfs up to “everyday” (but not default) quality, pays off in practice. The other highlights of the release include OpenStack Havana, latest Apache, MySQL, MariaDB, Ruby 2 on Rails 4 and PHP 5.4.2. On the ARM front, there’s the start of AArch64 (64bit ARM) support and a new Raspberry Pi build.
Posted by Codepope on Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Last Modified on Monday, December 16, 2024