Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.

H.264 is heading to Firefox... is it an EME dry run?

Cisco and Mozilla have made an announcement - Cisco will open source an H.264 implementation and Mozilla will incorporate support for a binary version of that open source code in Firefox in 2014. But what’s behind this move… Firefox has wrestled with the H.264 video bear for some time now. Initially Mozilla took the position that there’d be no patented royalty-bearing standards implemented in Firefox and eschewed H.264 support in HTML5’s <video> tag for Google’s VP8-based WebM.

EOL for Python 2.6, Docker Inc and more iconic fonts – Snippets

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

MongoHQ's security breach holes others

If you were using MongoHQ’s SSD backed MongoDB hosting, be prepared for them to be in touch as they’ve been at the sharp end of a security breach. But it’s not just direct users of MongoHQ’s services that should be concerned - users of services which make use of MongoHQ need to put on their worrying hat too. For example, MongoHQ hosted Buffer’s databases and that has been cited as the cause of the social media connector’s security breach.

Lime editor, HBase 96, Font Awesome and MOON LASERS - Snippets

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

Python 3.4 to get the Pip by default

News arrives here that PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal) 453 has been accepted. PEP 453, titled “Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations”, sets out to sort out one of the long standing problems in the Python ecosystem - not having a common modern packaging system for Python packages. Pip has become popular with Python users but for new users things have been somewhat odd. You need to use the old default installer application easy_install to install pip and then we’re ready to install packages.

JavaFX on phones, Java blocks in Firefox, Amazon audio and extras - Snippets

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

DoS security fix in Node 0.10.21 and Node 0.8.26

The Node developers have pushed out Node 0.10.21 and saying it “contains a security fix for the http server implementation” but gave no further details in the announcement, only asking people to upgrade as soon as possible. Elsewhere though, the problem was identified as a trivial-to-trigger denial of service vulnerability. It was explained by “meritt” in a Hacker News posting that a memory leak in the HTTP Pipelining code could make systems run out of memory if flooded with requests which were never read.

Hadoop 2, Wireshark/Qt, TogetherJS and Linux TAB elections – Snippets

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

Cassandra's Europe Summit - The Keynote – Extra Scaling

At the opening of the conference day at Cassandra Summit Europe 2013, Johnathan Ellis, Datastax CTO, made a point of positioning Apache Cassandra as an enterprise scalable database and one that scales in a linear fashion to massive scales. Datastax is the leading developer of, and commercial vendor of Apache Cassandra in the form of DataStax enterprise. MongoDB was very much in the company’s sights as it showed benchmarks with Cassandra running 20 times faster than MongoDB – the reason was simple though the dataset for the benchmark was bigger than the available memory on the nodes.

Talend go Apache, Mozilla and Xiph, Oracle and Java and Virtualbox updates – <i>Snippets</i>

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog