Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.

Apache Camel updates

If you don’t know Apache Camel, think of it like a huge set of connecting plumbing for the enterprise which comes with pumps, filters and all the other plumbing gear needed to make the data flow - and then add in a reference manual on how to perform common plumbing tasks. This is what them there city folks call an “enterprise integration framework” with “Enterprise Integration Patterns”. Yet another way to look at it is “a bunch of Java libraries which make connecting Java applications together across a network more interoperable and reliable”.

The new PostgreSQL 9.3 can send foreign data home too

The PostgreSQL team have released PostgreSQL 9.3 ending the beta cycle which started in May. 9.3’s headline feature is the newly writable Foreign Data Wrappers (fdw). In 9.1 and 9.2, foreign data wrappers were read-only, allowing the database to only ingest information made available through an “fdw” driver, taking them from a legacy source or other database and materialising them as a table. In 9.3 though, these “fdw” drivers can be enhanced and support changes to the fdw tables being reflected back in the source.

Linux from Scratch, Virtualbox and Go (quickly) - <i>Snippets</i>

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

Six Sunday Snippets

In this bumper snippets pack, Perl for iOS, the end of Thunderbird ESR sort of, the new CLI for Amazon Web Services, Adafruits tiny Trinket, Google’s F1 database on paper and a missed update to a classic UNIX book: This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

As foretold, Cassandra 2.0 cometh

Version 2.0 of the Apache Cassandra database has just been released. The Apache Software Foundation are leading on the addition of lightweight transations and triggers to the database. Cassandra originated at Facebook who donated it to Apache in 2008. It is designed to work with massive data sets and mixes Google’s Big Table data model with Facebook’s own distributed architecture Dynamo. Datastax, who produce a commercial version of Cassandra, have the detailed blog entries on lightweight transactions which can ensure an update is committed to all replicas through a prepare/promise/propose/accept process, on triggers which can start processing tasks as changes in tables are detected and on the enhancements made to CQL, Cassandra’s SQLish query language.

Git Rage, Fedora 20 and Android 4.4 named - Snippets

Visualising Code Rage: Chris Hunt’s Git Pissed is an application that tracks words in a git repository over time. It’s preloaded with defaults that track the offensive words from the Linux Kernel Swear Count but can also track happiness or any other thing you can express as a number of words. It’s a Ruby app and it makes graphs too. What more do you need? Fedora 20’s Heisenbug: That bug that exists and then doesn’t exist when you observe it.

DIY Secure Boot, ArkOS, Android and Ubertooth - Snippets

Secure Boot Yourself: Greg Kroah-Hartman has documented the task of making a Linux box boot using a self-signed Linux kernel with no external signing authority. It’s all about control and if you make your own keys, you can lock things down for yourself. ArkOS for Pi: Want to self-host your services but also want to do it on minimal (hidable?) hardware? ArkOS may be for you. Currently in development, it’s CitizenWeb’s project to create a full, Linux based, stack for managing self-hosting.

Linux 3.11 brings temporary relief

Linus Torvalds has announced the release of Linux 3.11. As usual, the actual release announcement says little except noting last minute bug fixes because the feature set was nailed down when the merge window closed weeks ago. One of the useful new features is the abiity to open files as O_TMPFILE for more private temporary files; open a file with O_TMPFILE and its created and works as normal except it doesn’t appear in the filesystem and when you close it it gets unlinked.


Want to look at your project? Or think there’s a project or product we should be looking at? Well, now you can drop the editor a mail at and we’ll be on it. Remember, we cover anything code-oriented from embedded to the cloud and most stops in between. This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

Ember.js burns through to 1.0

Over the weekend, the Ember.js team announced the final release of Ember.js 1.0 after two and a half years in development. The big thing with Ember.js is that it aims to get back to a web where URLs were sharable and bookmarkable and away from the modern idiom for webapps of one URL and the server saving logins and state. In the process of creating that, the developers also put together auto-updating Handlbars templates that keep themselves up to date when the underlying data model changes, added Web-Component-like custom HTML tags and made the process of JSON to field mapping easy.