Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.

Snippets: MongoDB's Hives, Pure CSS and Inside Andy

MongoDB gets Hive: 10Gen have announced that the MongoDB connector for Hadoop has been updated so it now can work with the SQL-like queries of Hive over MongoDB data sets. There’s also support for MongoDB’s BSON (Binary JSON…yes well…) on Hadoop’s Distributed File System and incremental MapReduce jobs. There’s an hour long video on the connector’s features which covers the new stuff what’s in the pipeline. Pure Small CSS: The Yahoo UI folks have a project called [Pure](http://purecss.

Nanomsg 0.1 alpha shows potential

Martin Sústrik, one of the orignal developers of 0MQ, has been working on nanomsg since last year and has now announced that the project has reached its first alpha 0.1 release. Nanomsg offers a high performace implementation of a number of what are called “scalability protocols” such as one-to-one (PAIR), many-to-many (BUS), clustered stateless services (REQREP), publish and subscribe (PUBSUB), message aggregation (FANIN), balanced message distribution (FANOUT) and application state queries (SURVEY).

Bootstrap 3 - The strap is rebooted

Bootstrap has been providing a great way for people to get their web sites and applications up and running by offering a useful, non-horrid looking framework of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and fonts which all comes together to make life a lot easier. At its code, Bootstrap offers a grid for layout which made it simple to put together a complex page without getting lost in a maze of layout.

Here comes the FuzzDB

Composing test data is hard and composing security test data is many times harder, so the introduction of FuzzDB by Adam Muntner of the Mozilla security team is worth looking at for those who want to more effectively check the security of their applications. FuzzDB isn’t a database per se, but a collection of collections of categorised documents and includes: A library of predictable resource locations by OS, web server and app packages so that the regular holes can be checked.

Snippets: Graphs, PostGIS, BIOS bugs and UNIX

Graph Edited: The Directed Graph Editor is a rather stylish implementation of a graph editor in JavaScript ising the D3 library. It’s part of a more extensive project, the Modal Logic Playground published under an MIT licence. PostGIS 2.1.0: For those who like their databases geographically aware, the latest 2.1.0 update to PostGIS, which brings spatial and geographic objects to PostgreSQL, has been announced. The update’s headline features are performance improvements and a wide range of new or enhanced functions.

MongoDB's fresh web shell

If you are just getting around to looking at MongoDB – the NoSQL, JavaScript driven, JSON document database – then 10gen’s new MongoDB Web Shell at may be of use. It’s a tiny shell designed to help in education for the NoSQL database by offering a subset of the JavaScript and MongoDB API that users would find with a full MongoDB installation. That means you can create data and manipulate it from the comfort of your own browser.

One week in Codescaling

So, we’re one week in on and hopefully you are finding it useful. If you have any feedback… drop it off in the comments here, or on Google+ or even on Twitter where we’re @codescaling. Its been mentioned to me already that it might be useful to touch more on operating systems, updates and the like, treating them like the petri dish of code. Agree? Disagree? This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog

GPL-licensed exFAT driver for Linux appears

In one of the less typical cases of licence compliance, last month, code for an exFAT driver from Samsung landed on GitHub. ExFAT is an improved version of the FAT filesystem which is covered by a patent. LWN covered the immediate fallout as the code appeared to be GPL licensed but also appeared to be have been released only as proprietary binary code. One suspicion was the code had been developed based on existing FAT code for Linux while others noted that as code linked to the kernel, it should be GPLv2 licensed.

Snippets: QEMU 1.6.0, and Evil.h

QEMU 1.6.0: The machine emulator and virtualiser, QEMU, has been updated. More live migration support and options, more ARM instructions supported, PowerPC Mac OS X guest support are among the highlights. Full details in the change log. Listening to Github: is a realtime event monitor for Github which converts the events into an ambient soundscape to give developers a different way of interacting with the flow of change. There’s a preview of the system with the public GitHub events too.

Snippets: Mavibot, Brackets and Tessel

Mavibot: A new project to create a replacement for JDBM in the Apache Directory Server, Mavibot, just released the first milestone code for its MVCC BTree implementation. They aim to offer a faster alternative with concurrent reads and writes, transactions, bulk loads, multi-version support and in-memory BTree. Brackets: Adobe’s web-centric open source editor Brackets is now available to preview on Linux. The editor depends on the Chromium Embedded Framework and has required work to make that deliverable on Ubuntu and Debian.