Codepope's Development Hell

Because development is hell, but it's my hell.

Snippets: Io.js, FreeBSD in the Cloud and 6502 Basic

Io.js is the spork of Node.js which is trying to put features the developers think have languished too long in development hell into a production codebase. We talked about it at the end of last year. Well, now there’s something tangible - a 1.0.0 in development release. What thats means is, top of the list, ES6 support with generators, templates and new string methods and more. Boom, huge improvement in JavaScript for developers living the Node thing.

ESP8266 - little board, lotta Wi-Fi

An ESPtoy (the ESP8266 is the little blue board) from Lots going on with the intriguing ESP8266 board. Coming out of China with no english documentation, this tiny board has the brains to run Lua and connect to WiFi, manage some GPIO and all it takes is… a lot of fiddling. But for $2 on ebay, you can get hacking the firmware, flashing exisitng firmwarefrom Windows like nodemcu (thats the one with the lua) or just have fun running it as a serial controlled Wi-Fi adapter.

Raspberry Pi B+ gets its Grove on

Raspberry Pi’s are great little Linux devices but they have plenty of limitations when it comes to comes to wiring up to the analog world or just behaving like a micro-controller. There’s been various attempts to weld Pi and Arduino together (I have some) like the Dexter Industries’ BrickPi that plugs you into the Lego bricosystem or their Arduberry which brings Arduino shield connectors out the top of the board.

OS X's Hypervisor, Snabbt JS animation and Nim

Did you know Mac OS X 10.10 had a hypervisor framework? No, me neither, but it does and that means you can do things with hypervisors without the need for kernel extensions and stuff. shows you how to tap into it with an example of building a simple DOS emulator but goodness, this is backed with potential for some clever, easy to install, apps. Want some smooth animation in your JavaScript driven pages?

Padded post - Etherpad 1.5, Hack the Hackpad

Collaborative editors are one of the mainstays of remote working… and they tend to have pad in the name. Just updated is Etherpad, in the form of Etherpad 1.5. This is a mostly bug fix and performance release but heck, it’s already packed full of goodies. Latest tricks include being able to HTTP POST files via curl into an Etherpad (handy if you are automating a documentation process) and a fast switching plugin.

A Codescaling New Year

For 2015, I thought I’d shake up the Codescaling site and see if I could get a bit more, well, life into things - catchups have become a chore so I’m going to try to shorten the distance between brain and keyboard. So, from now today I’ll be doing shorter, more regular posts on things which have just come onto my radar, but which should be worth having a look at.

Forking brilliant - Node/IO.js and Docker/Rocket

What’s up with Node: So there’s been a fork in Node.js land with the appearance of IO.js. A group of core contributing developers have lost patience with Joyent, the developmental home of Node.js, and have set out to accelerate the development of the Async-JavaScript server side platform. This is the world of open source where people can vote with their time and effort. It’s easy to see both sides of the fork.

Developer Catchup: Go libraries, easy Charts, Tumblr frameworks, Zsh secrets and secret Android compilers

Facebook Go: When you develop a lot in Go, you make a lot of libraries and tools in Go. Facebook must be doing plenty because their new Facebook Go repository is full of code, much of it useful utilities for managing HTTP connections, mocking for tests, apps to test libraries like MySQL and MongoDB drivers and so on. Add to your resource list. HTTP2 Go: While we’re talking Go, there’s a HTTP2 library in development by Google’s Brad Fitzpatrick.

Making Catchup: Pi A+, Beagle X15, 68K prototyped and cheap Wifi hacking

Raspberry Pi Model A+ breaks cover: It seems that there’s been a leak on the Pi A+, the compacted version of the Pi less Ethernet, as its being reported. The cut-down Pi now has microSD and a 40 pin GPIO to match the B+. It still lacks the features that made the ODROID/W so interesting – LiPo battery support and real time clock on board. It does retain one thing from the Model A, the question of who’s it actually for.

Developer Catchup: FreeBSD at 21, Meteor at 1.0, tunnels, disklessness, neurons and 68008s

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog