Arduino YÚN, Webalchemy and Firebug : Snippets

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024


  • YÚN Soon: The Arduino YÚN, a version of the microcontroller board with an added MIPS processor running Linino driving a Wi-Fi chipset, is now heading towards distributors and should be on sale on 10 September, a bit later than the originally planned June release due to the complexity of the project. The board has also been upgraded, according to the Arduino Blog will now sport 16MB of Flash and 64MB of RAM on the MIPS side. The YÚN should prove to be an interesting board, especially as the developers have put together code for the microcontroller which allows it to call processes on the Linux side.

  • webalchemy mixed: Ariel Keselman has published Webalchemy, his micro-framework take on developing web applications in Python which is “inspired by SqlAlchemy, the IPython Notebook, and Meteor”.

  • Firebug ignites: As Firefox’s dev tools have pushed forward, Firebug, the dev tool that helped define what an in-browser debugger should do, has continued its development. The latest version is Firebug 1.12 which comes with new features such as smart CSS property copy, net filtering for all plugins, DOM event filters and lots more. A detailed rundown of all the new features in on the Mozilla Hacks blog and you can add Firebug to your Firefox from its Addons page.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog