iOS Haskell, iOS Open Source, Java 8 and a Noble API - Snippets

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Friday, August 30, 2013
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024


  • Haskell for iOS: Haskell is turning up all over the place and now its turned up on iOS. In an announcement on Haskell-cafe, Luke Iannini and Stephen Blackheath have said you can now build native binaries for iOS using GHC. The cross-compiling process is detailed on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler wiki and generates a “universal ARMv7/ARMv7s/i386 static library to drop straight into an Xcode project”

  • Ink open sources iOS apps: The developers of Ink, a set of frameworks for connecting iOS applications with each other, have released four applications as open source. The apps, ThatInbox (an email client), ThatCloud (a cloud storage client), ThatPhoto (a photo editor/viewer) and ThatPDF (a PDF signing app), were all created by Ink to showcase their platform and have now been released under an MIT licence after the developers realised they could be “full-fledged products in their own right”.

  • Me Talk Java 8 One Day: Need to talk clever about Java 8? Not got time to dig through all the bits and pieces? TechEmpower have got you covered with a monster sized, super linked blog posting called “Everything about Java 8”. Now you can talk clever about Java 8. (And if you don’t know what the title for this snippet refers to, enjoy this clip of David Sedaris’s Me Talk Pretty One Day)

  • Nobel API:Python Programmer and wanting to check you haven’t got a Nobel Prize without noticing it? Then nobel 0.2 is for you; a Pythonic wrapped around the Nobel Prize API, a REST based API for querying the awards database of prize winners.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog