ARM64, GNU Hurd and APL and curious binary – Snippets

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Saturday, September 28, 2013
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024


  • ARM64 and iPhone explained: A useful look at what is actually changing with Apple’s A7 and ARM64 architecture from Mike Ash’s blog. Worth a read especially for the repurposed isa pointer.
  • GNU Hurd Updates: On the 30th anniversary of the GNU project, the Hurd developers released an update to the project’s operating system along with an update to GNU Mach and RPC translator GNU MIG.
  • GNU APL 1.0 Lands: APL is one of the venerable languages dating back to 1964 which has classically been associated with number crunching. And now, after some time in development, Jürgen Sauermann has announced the availability of GNU APL 1.0.
  • Polyglot binary code: CorkaMIX is a set of binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, each one of which is also a PDF document, a Java JAR file and a HTML document with JavaScript. As the author says “they serve no purpose, except proving that file formats not starting at offset 0 are a bad idea”.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog