Ember.js burns through to 1.0

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Monday, September 2, 2013
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024


Over the weekend, the Ember.js team announced the final release of Ember.js 1.0 after two and a half years in development. The big thing with Ember.js is that it aims to get back to a web where URLs were sharable and bookmarkable and away from the modern idiom for webapps of one URL and the server saving logins and state. In the process of creating that, the developers also put together auto-updating Handlbars templates that keep themselves up to date when the underlying data model changes, added Web-Component-like custom HTML tags and made the process of JSON to field mapping easy.

Explaining that they had picked out a push back against the big HTML-abstracting frameworks, heading towards what they felt were simplistic abstractions in microframeworks, the developers set a course to come up with a new platform which took care of the complexity using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and not trying to pretend they weren’t there. It was when they were heading down this path that they realised that it wasn’t just what was displayed in the browser but how it could be navigated to that they came up with the idea of using the URL and took the big step of rebooting the development process to make the URL king of the framework. That change has paid off and with 1.0 they feel they are in a good place. The APIs won’t have breaking changes now till 2.0 which they “don’t anticipate happening for some time”.

The road to 1.0 has seen the router enhanced, the groundwork done for adding modules in the future, the basics of a testing framework, a Chrome extension that handles inspecting Ember in the browser and the first beta of Ember Data 1.0, a rebooted data-layer codenamed jj-abrams. There’s also much activity in the Ember community as Ember 1.0 arrives and the development process switches to a new release every six weeks.

Ember.js essentials:

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog