Mozilla's font, Fedora's alpha, Java's fixes and Gstreamer's flow – Snippets

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024


  • Mozilla’s Fira font: Mozilla has released a new open source (SIL Open Font Licence) font called Fira Sans. This is the Firefox OS typeface and comes in light, regular, medium and bold weights. There’s also a monospaced variant in regular and bold. Source for the font is available on GitHub.

  • Fedora 20 Alpha: On schedule for the revised schedule, the alpha of Fedora 20 has been released. As previously mentioned, and in the announcement, there’s lots of updates and enhancements including ARM as a primary architecture, latest GNOME and KDE, the undefaulting of SendMail and Syslog and a better NetworkManager. It’s ready to test and you can download the Alpha images but don’t press them into production for the worst that could happen will probably happen. Or not. Next stop, the beta release at the end of October.

  • Java Fixes and Pitfalls: Will Dormann,the author of the CERT Blog posting Don’t Sign that Applet has returned to the subject pointing out, in Signed Java Applet Security Improvements, that although applets running on Java7 before update 25 could be repurposed, that problem was addressed in Java 7 Update 25. In Update 25 though an applet can declare it must be executed in a sandbox and can be made to restrict where it loads code from. But you do need to be running update 25 or later (the current update version is 40) and Dormann does point out some gotchas which a developer needs to dodge for this change to be useful.

  • GStreamer 1.2.0 flows: The developers of the LGPL-licensed multimedia framework GStreamer have released version 1.2.0 of the framework with new API features, plugins for Microsoft Smooth Streaming, DASH adaptive streaming, bluez interation, openjpeg for JPEG2000 support, experimental VP9 encoding and decoding and many others.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog