LMCTFY contains itself: A Google project, LMCTFY (Let Me Contain That For You) has emerged in the companies GitHub repository. It’s an open source version of Google’s container stack for Linux though it’s more application isolation and lacks Docker’s filesystem isolation. It’s apparently early days for the Apache licensed software but it will be one to keep an eye on as it could well turn into the basis for a Docker competitor.
Freeseer 3.0: The Freeseer project is an interesting platform for capturing in multiple video streams and presentations and managing them. Freeseer 3.0 came out about a month ago and has a completely rewritten backend, plugin system for GStreamer I/O and Mixing, RTMP streaming support and more. Built in Python and using GStreamer at its core, the software is GPLv3 licensed with source code on GitHub and it has been used to record many open source conferences. Find out more about the project in its documentation along with various guides.
JavaScript Allongé: The book JavaScript Allongé is now under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license and its author, Reginald Braithwaite, has written about why he has made it free. You can even get the source for the book in Markdown format and Braithwaite encourages posting issues, fixing and submitting pull requests to correct typos and other changes.
This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog