Hadoop 2, Wireshark/Qt, TogetherJS and Linux TAB elections – Snippets

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Friday, October 18, 2013
Last Modified on Monday, December 16, 2024


  • Hadoop 2 goes official: The Apache Software Foundation have officially announced Apache Hadoop 2. The new milestone version of Hadoop is a major rework which brings YARN, an overhauled MapReduce engine which splits resource management and job scheduling into two separate operations with their own daemons. There’s also high availability, data snapshots, NFS3 access and federation for Hadoop HDFS along with Windows support. Hadoop 2 started out in alpha way back in May 2012 as version 2.0. In August this year, a 2.1 arrived as a beta, and this release is actually Hadoop 2.2.0.

  • Wireshark goes Qt: An interesting swap of toolkit has been announced by the developers of the network sniffing Wireshark who are moving from GTK+ to Qt. They use the example of Mac OS X where the current version needs an X server to display and doesn’t look like a Mac app. The switch is being done gradually with a Qt5 “flavour” being developed alongside the current GTK+ version which remains the version that power users are recommended to use. The transition is expected to be “long and arduous” but should offer an useful study for other projects considering migrating.

  • TogetherJS launched: Mozilla’s realtime web collaboration library and service, TogetherJS has been being previewed for a while, but now Mozilla have formally introduced the WebRTC based platform. As part of the launch, jsFiddle has turned on a beta collaboration button using TogetherJS and there’s examples on how to use TogetherJS with JavaScript on the jsFiddle site. Collaboration invitations are done by sending a generated URL to the people you want to work with over IM or email; TogetherJS tries to be identity framework agnostic.

  • Linux TAB elections: The Technical Advisory Board (TAB) for the Linux Foundation is having an election for five of its ten seats at the Kernel Summit being held in Edinburgh. Throwing his hat into the ring for the first time is Matthew Garrett who over the past couple of years has become a leader in the technicalities, and politics, of the UEFI maze and would likely make an excellent addition to the TAB. The vote takes place on the evening of the 23 October.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog