LibreOffice gets a maintenance bump: There’s an update for LibreOffice 4.1, the just announced 4.1.2 but the Document Foundation are still not up to recommending it for enterprise adoption and say a 4.0.5 (and soon 4.0.6) version of the office suite is still recommended for that. As usual they’ve scattered the changelogs over 3 different documents (at some point they might think about consolidating minor point updates changelogs into oooh a single release note), but in summary, things have been fixed most of which are listed in the RC1 changelog.
iPython gets Microsoft mad money: The iPython project, which creates a Python based architecture for interactive notebooks, visualisation, interpreters and parallel computing work, has just announced $100,000 sponsorship from Microsoft. Apparently they did one heck of a demo for the Microsoft Research folks. The sponsorship went through NumFocus who are sponsored by J.P.Morgan and Microsoft among others to promote open source scientific software.
More containers: Everyone’s got a plan for managing containers these days. This time it’s Cloud Foundry’s warden, an Apache licensed “simple API for managing isolated environments”. The server readme provides more details; apparently initially developed with LXC, Warden no longer depends on LXC. It uses aufs or overlayfs depending on edition of Ubuntu Linux and talks JSON over sockets between its server and clients.
This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog