Lime editor, HBase 96, Font Awesome and MOON LASERS - Snippets

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Last Modified on Monday, December 16, 2024


  • Lime text editor: People love the Sublime Text editor. But being closed source does set some folks worrying. Some of them do something about it though, such as “quarnster” who has been creating Lime as an open source version of Sublime Text. Built with a combination of Go 1.1, Python3, Oniguruma and optional Qt5, Lime still has plenty to implement, including compatibility with Sublime’s Python API, keybindings and snippets, TextMate Snippits and getting solid cross platform support. But if you are looking for a project to work on…

  • HBase 96 arrives: The Hadoop-based “big data” database, HBase has been updated to HBase 0.96 with around 2000 issues closed and lots of contributed work. This included getting the MTTR (Mean-time-to-recovery) down to under a minute, support for snapshotting tables then moving and restoring snapshots, Cygwin-free native support on Windows, more efficient compacting, a switch to Google’s ProtocolBufffers (in part for futureproofing) and much more. There’s also a bunch of incompatible changes so do check the notes. Find the release and the release notes on the Apache Software Foundations pages.

  • Font Awesome 4.0: A font of icons? Yes, the rather spiffy Font Awesome is back with an even more awesome version 4.0, now with 370 icons in a single collection. Designed for Bootstrap 3.0.0, styled with CSS and free for commercial use. Check out the sample page and examples. And yes, you can use it without Bootstrap too.

  • And finally: NASA just announced they have got a 622Mbps download rate from the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration. It’s asymmetric though… 20Mbps upload, but hey, to the Moon.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog