Making Catchup: 1Sheeld, Codebender, Odroid/W, Beans, Metawear and more

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Friday, October 10, 2014
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

First of all a catchup on some of my making. I presented a short talk at Oggcamp 2014 on using the 1Sheeld with an Android phone to make experimenting with Arduino much simpler. The 1Sheeld sits on Arduino’s serial ports and using Bluetooth, talks to an Android phone app. The app is able to emulate a whole range of devices, like keypads and LEDs, and sensors, such as gyroscopes and barometers, and act as a proxy to web services like Twitter and Facebook. You just click on the things you need active and write code for the 1Sheeld library that talks to the board and onwards to the phone.

The demo involved using a Nexus 5’s gyroscope to roll a pixel around an Adafruit Neopixel shield and you can check out that code for that on my Rollapixel page on Want to see that working? Here’s a bit of video:

[wpvideo TtNiXFr5]

Big shout out to the folk as they have the 1Sheeld libraries and examples all online as part of their splendid online IDE – it’s great to be able to cut code without spending time wrestling Java and the Arduino IDE into shape and even better to be able to quickly share it.

The ODroid/W Raspberry Pi-clone: Lovely bit of work by the HardKernel folk. It’s built to go into those smaller devices that the Pi doesn’t address, has LiPo battery support, real time clock and it’s well compact. That Broadcom cut off the supplies is more a worry for Pi owners as it looks like your locked into a Pi Foundation organised ecosystem. The HardKernel folk still have their tiny quad core ARMs like the 4core Odroid/U3 and octocore Exynos-based Odroid/XU3, one of which is mounted behind a monitor here (the smller one).

The Light Blue Bean: A small BLE/Arduino compatible… the software’s a bit hairy and Mac OS X/iOS centric at the moment but its a little board with a lot of potential. The ones I have will probably all end up being turned into iBeacons at some point.

The Metawear wearable: Andother BLE/ARM-core controller combo, this is really tiny, so much so I’m not brandishing a soldering iron near it till I get some really tiny tips. Waiting to see where the creators go with it as the world of wearables is, well, odd.

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog