A Codescaling New Year

Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Thursday, January 1, 2015
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

For 2015, I thought I’d shake up the Codescaling site and see if I could get a bit more, well, life into things - catchups have become a chore so I’m going to try to shorten the distance between brain and keyboard. So, from now today I’ll be doing shorter, more regular posts on things which have just come onto my radar, but which should be worth having a look at. So, welcome to Codescaling 2015. Let’s see what can we start with…


Let’s start 2015 with awesome making. Nathan Chantrell has been doing stuff with the ESP8266, the $5 WiFi board which surprises many with how much power is packed in there. Nathan’s only gone and taken the ESP8266 ESP01 and wired it up to an OLED display, got ESP8266 drivers for I2C to drive it and an MQTT client to listen for messages and boom, epic hack. Best of all, he’s documented it in his “wifi-mqtt-display-with-the-esp8266” posting so you can have a go too. Splendid stuff… now where did I put that ESP8266 I had lying around…

This article was imported from the original CodeScaling blog