
Posted by codepope on Sunday, October 20, 2019
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

So, I’ve not been around on the blog, but things carry on….

  • Current project - Tetvaders PoC; Tetris and Space Invaders in one particle powered fun show - eventually want to put it onto LED panels
  • Current irritation - The Beaglebone AI - lovely board but docs are sorely lacking and what docs there are tell you you need a heatsink or a fan. SBC design fail de jour, there’s too many new SBCs which need a fan. The Pi used to be safe for the class room, now with the Pi 4, it needs to be boxed, heatsinked or fanned or whatever mitigation you can think of. At least ship it with enough dissaption…
  • Current HackWimbledon - next month now, November 2nd…. pondering ideas…. fireworks or insurrection?

After HackWimbledon next, I’ll bring you up to date with Tetvaders (it’s in Go, it’s got graphics).