Let's Go Static

Posted by codepope on Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

Well, there I was thinking Ghost isn’t really what this blog needs and I went for the whole “let’s move to something static”. Static sites are great and cheap to run and there’s some great generators and themes out there. I went with Hugo for a generator and Story for a theme and deployed it all through Netlify.

So with all that done, we now have a much simpler blog, I have a fork of Story to work on and I’m planning on blogging here much more regularly; at least I should do as I’m having a bit of a working break at the moment. The picture…

Desk Stuff

… is literally stuff on my desk I’ve been working on. An ESP32-based Elgato Key Light controller with rotary encoder control and OLED screen and a Pico-based CircuitPython running Pimoroni RGB Keypad, which I’m teaching to be a macro keyboard. I’ll be talking about these in the coming weeks.

Header Photo by John Doyle on Unsplash