Winterval Windup

Posted by codepope on Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

Here we are at the end of the year and oh, yes, I should have posted more. But then that’s the way of things in my head and I’m already adding write more (and make the blog sweeter) to my 2023 resolutions list.

Anyway, this is my Winterval Windup where I’ll go through the past years posts and explain what’s gone right or wrong… Starting from the end…

Recent Circles

Advent of Code(AoC)… I’ve been doing the Advent of Code this year and its been fun though I’ve called a halt around Day 16, because its been getting harder and more algorithm driven and thats been eating my brain time. I thoroughly recommend giving it a go though and my plan will be to go through the remaining problems but without the ticking advent clock. I gave a talk at Makeroni on AoC at the last meeting, walking through the early problems and my solutions in Go, just to wet appetites.

September’s Circle: Ongoing - Ace of Frames

Well the Ace is still coming together. Since the posting, I’ve got my hands on some possibly ideal VGA to HDMI converters and I just need to mangle some good connectors between them and the Ace.

Still no replacement for the Story theme for this Hugo blog but thats an opportunity to completely rethink how I make this blog.

Makeroni/HackWimbledon is alive and kicking with meetings every two weeks. Want to join in? Sign up at the Meetup site where we post the events as they come up.

July’s Circle: QR Codes for Free

Well, this article was quite popular for this backwater. And about the same time, I realised I gaffed up the URL structure for posts. So, when I do redo the blog, I get the joy of loading up lots of redirects whatever.

May’s Circle: May Be A Circle

The DnD light is still a work in progress as the Python app in there randomly crashes after failing to reconnect with MQTT and I have no idea why. The UI side is simpler now though with a proper iOS SwiftUI app for toggling the DnD light. The button I built suffered the same disconnection problem. Next on the list is a watch app. That led on to me doing more SwiftUI so I have cooked up an app to control my DAB radio, the SuperConnect. More about them in 23. Pinky swear.

February’s Circle: MQTT and Circles

The 2.5GBe network experiment is now permanent. There’s 16 ports of 2.5Gbe with most desktop machines talking 2.5Gbe. The Synology NAS has a 2.5GBe hack on it, but it’s also been joined by a QNAP NAS which has native 2.5GBe. Which one lives on? No idea, but it’s good to play them off.

January’s Circle: Circles (of Development Hell)

The SmartiPi hackup never worked reliably enough and the parts were canniballised aka died on their way back to their home planet. My eye is moved onto using CM4 boards… when we can get them again. And that site…… its released back into the wild now the giant arse is nowhere near the levers of power and doing his dinner speech (singular) for more money to other idiots.

And for 2023

  • More small servers, including a Turing Pi 2.
  • Less Laptops (because I really don’t need every OS to hand)
  • More coding for fun (see AoC)
  • More Makeroni/HackWimbledon
  • More Making (New 3D Printer already installed)
  • Well one can hope. See you all in 23.