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Posted by Codepope's Development Hell on Saturday, March 18, 2023
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

An update for 2023

So, things have been happening in 2023 and that’s all settled down now as I changed jobs and yes, I was kinda preoccupied with things. Anyway, I’m now living the Postgres life at EnterpriseDB. Lots of fun, lots of challenges and things are such that I’m much more hands on with stuff and a lot happier about kicking things off.

So, here’s the plan, smaller posts, one thing per post, whenever they are happening. Oh yes, we’re going old school. And in the process figure our Hugo Archetypes and Bundles to make creating consistent managable blog posts. Because I need something to obsess on. In no way, whatsoever is there a steaming pile of blog in another directory marked “the failed attempt to change the theme and reorganise”, oh no, no no.

Yes. Ok. Treewalk of shame etc….

Currently ongoing projects:

  • SuperConnector, Radio control for people who want to control their DAB Radio.
  • DoNotDisturb Gen 3, the third generation of my Do Not Disturb light which is now going to use a Person Sensor so it only lights up when someone is looking at it.
  • Messing about with the Viam Rover.
  • Makeroni IRL meetups.
  • Streamlining this blog

But enough of lists! Onwards!


Oh and that header image is thanks to asking DiffusionBee for “Developer Hell Reborn Anime”….