July Update - I have a vision

Posted by codepope on Sunday, July 28, 2024
Last Modified on Saturday, August 31, 2024

So that was July and my turning 60 so you kids can now officially get off my lawn. no change in the yelling at the cloud situation - all clouds need to be yelled at because they are the new technocratic hideousy that distorts the industry. Well, that and AI but that’s a different rant.

What July did bring was an Apple Vision Pro and booking up with a builder to make my new outside maker lab and give my universe the desperate space it needs. It also has me focussing on a huge plan to wrap the new space in IoT sensors and retro machines.

Wait, you say. A Vision Pro why? Well it’s about focus, using AR to hyperfocus on the task in front of me. I can drift too easily from laptop screens but when it’s nailed in front of me, I shouldn’t be able to drift. Of course I’m not mad, I’m slowly immersing myself into the experience, learning how much I can manage with the R in the AR. Oddly I’m biasing toward using immersive environments when I want to focus, but that’s counter to my thinking that I want to see the surrounding world.

We shall, quite literally, see how it works over the next months.

In other news, the Makeroni website finally got some spit and polish, so check that out, we have events up now till the end of September and some good making to be had.

Oh and that banner image up there. No idea. I found it on the iPhone’s photo reel but damn it looks cool. So there it is.