August and that took longer than I expected

Posted by codepope on Saturday, August 31, 2024

“Oh” I thought to myself, I should bring in all the old Codescaling posts to this one blog now, removing the Wordpress from my world. And so the task began.

First came parsing and reassembling the Wordpress archives into directories and files I could use to populate things with. And that lead to me realising all the links and folder structure currently here was, to put it mildly, pants. So I set about normalising it to page bundles (a Hugo thing) and…

Well, then I realised the Story theme was not ideal for what I wanted to do and I reset to a relatively clean theme with an eye on learning more about customising Hugo’s look and that sent me down more rabbit holes learning…

And then there was the HTML from Wordpress which needed tidying up too, and each old post will need manually polishing.

And then there were the posts that were pointers to Newsbits, a regulat thing I used to do on Compose. The links went nowhere now IBM deleted the entire site. Nice work preserving things there IBM. Anyway, thanks to the Wayback Machine it should be possible to rebuild a lot of those posts.

What I really mean to say it there’s now an erratic decade of posts here, going back to 2013. Check out the Every Post link on the right. And I’ll be tidying up and enhancing the site as an ongoing project.

Oh yeah, and I should blog about something other than blogging. And that’ll be the other thing going on personally as I have a ManLab being built. More on that in the future though.

There’s contact links at the bottom of the page if you see something wrong and it bugs you enough. Thanks.